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Rep. Winkler’s endorsement of cannabis legalization
Today MN House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler’s editorial titled “It’s Minnesota’s turn to legalize marijuana use” was published in the Star Tribune. Citing the shortcomings of Minnesota’s medical cannabis program, the fiscal burden of prohibition
Introducing our 2019 Summer Interns
Sensible Change Minnesota is excited to introduce you to our two summer interns! Rory O'Brien, Policy & Organizing Intern Rory O’Brien is a student at Minneapolis College majoring in Addiction Counseling with plans at working
2019 Drug Policy Legislative Recap
On Monday, May 20th, the Minnesota 2019 legislative session came to a close. Over the past few months, thousands of bills were introduced, some of which were sensible drug policy reforms that had the
Minnesota House Prioritizes Patient Access
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE St. Paul - April 7, 2019 On Friday, April 5th, the House Health and Human Services Committee adopted changes to a bill affecting the state’s medical cannabis program which would improve
Minnesota Senate Halts Patient Access/Blocks Affordability Measures
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE St. Paul - March 22, 2019 Yesterday Republican Senator Dan Hall presented his bill SF1070, which makes changes to Minnesota’s medical cannabis program, to the Senate Health and Human Service Finance
Support of HF 400 and SF 751; Opioid Product Stewardship Bill
Today our team sent the below letter to Representative Liz Olson and Senator Julie Rosen thanking them for their work on the Opioid Stewardship Bill. We encourage you to reach out to your representatives